HMS Triumph, Gallipoli - Tuesday 6th June 2023

HMS Triumph, Gallipoli – Tuesday 6th June 2023

Divers: Ali, Doruk, Hakan, Volkan, Jamie, Ian, Chris and Mark.

the Triumph is a Swiftsure class Battleship sunk by U21 whilst bombing Gaba Tepe (Brighton Beach) on 15th May 1915. At 72 metres it is one the few sites that require trimix.  

This was our first dive of the trip and it was good to get a dive in & to know that we will in fact be diving on this trip (unlike our last trip here). To allow us to dive this site, the boys had to arrange to have the local inter island ferry diverted from it standard route. The viz was about 5-7 metres, & with the shot line 15m off the site, Ian & I tie a jump line to the shot line & swim off towards the wreck. This gives our fellow divers a guide the wreck saving them valuable bottom time.  
