Divers: Mark Robo, Mick, Nick, Giullian & Simon
The conditions looked perfect on the drive down to Portsea and even more promising when we got down to the pier, resulting in many divers coming out of winter hibernation and filling the change room and boats. We soon found out that looks can be deceiving with a 2 metre swell greeting us at the entrance to the heads and murky water at the J4 dive site.
We divided into 2 teams with Mark and Mick understandably wanting to avoid watching us practice skills for the Advanced Nitrox course that Nick, Giullian and I are currently undertaking. Visibility turned out to be reasonably good at the bottom at a comfortable 5-7 metres however considerable surge kept us on our toes when penetrating the wreck.
The Advanced Nitrox students practised their skills at the conning tower before putting them into practice on the ascent. All agreed that this was great practice in preparation for the next course dive.