Portsea Hole & Devils Drop Off– 26th October 2013

Portsea Hole & Devils Drop Off– 26th October 2013

Divers: Josh, Rodney, Mick & Mark

With the strong south westerly’s all of the dives outside the heads had been cancelled for the day, so we were lucky to be diving at all. With just a slight hint of current remaining we stepped off the boat and descended into the Hole, once we passed 20 metres all we get is sand and we practice our skills drifting across the bottom, I was hoping we may even get to the other side of the hole, but of course we ran out of bottom time before that happened.
Our Devil’s Drop Off dive is much the same just a bit more to look at really, these were both slack water dives so we had quite a bit of surface interval between the dives. Unfortunately we still have the good viz that warrants taking the video camera, but I’m sure that’s not far away.