SHB Fawkner – Sunday 9th August 2015

Divers: Spike, Nick, Tim, Ben G, Ben J, Matt & Youri
An early start for most of us the first dive in cold Melbourne waters after diving the Coolidge. Todays target, the Fawkner, a steam hopper barge, sister ship to the Batman, she lies in  46m of water.
The conditions at the surface dont get much better then this. Flat sea, smooth ride through the heads and almost no current. All the dive teams on the boat pretty much descended at the same time so it was a bit crowded on the shot line. The descent was nice as there was virtually no current. The visibility was about 3m. the shot was just of the wreck. We had a good look at the impressive boiler, did a bit of peno, looked at the remains of the stern and started to make our way back to the shot line to start our ascend. It was a really nice dive, the only thing that could have been better was the visibility. As usual finishing the day with a well deserved lunch, discussing what the next dive will be.