Divers: Ali, Doruk, Hakan, Volkan, Jamie, Ian, Chris and Mark
the ‘jewel in the crown’ for Australians diving in Turkey, this was the only ‘not negotiable’ for us when we were making arrangements to come to Turkey to help set up technical diving. For us to do this dive, our boat skipper had to relocate the boat from Kabatepe to Sarkoy – a 12 hour steam.
It was the when the AE2 made it through the Dardanelles to the Sea of Marmara that Kitchener decided not to recall the troops from Gallipoli. Descending down the shot line through the halocline, the water temperature drops from 17 to 11 degrees and the viz drops to a blurry 5metres. Once through the halocline, there is no ambient light & just lie night diving you can only see what is in your torch beam. The obvious highlight of the dive is seeing the Conning Tower & the hatch that Stoker left open when scuttling the boat.