Blairgowrie Pier - Saturday 10th August 2019

Blairgowrie Pier – Saturday 10th August 2019

Divers: Foti, Josh and Mark

Well, clearly after the storms yesterday, we weren’t going to dive Frankston Pier! But we did want to dive, so we went to Portsea. Unfortunately that was too surgy. So we then went to Blairgowrie, that was fine although there was quite a bit of current under the pier. The viz was about 10m, the water temp was 10 degrees, but it was glassy flat water in close. Just before you think we are completely mad for diving today, there were at least 10 other divers there as well!! Some getting out of the water before we even get in. The new jetty works makes accessing the water here easier, but I must say who ever designed the ladder for exiting the water surely doesn’t dive. 
