Divers: Ben, Youri, Push, Jason, Richard, Omer & Mark
The last 4 attempts DV had made to locate the Burke had been unsuccessful, so it was with some intrepidation that we make the boat ride out. For some reason, possibly a transposing number error, the marks I had in my data base were also out. We had spent some time doing our home work & checking with our contacts of tech divers to ensure our best chances of getting the marks correct this time. The main reason for this trip was to ensure that we had in fact been able to sort the marks out, so the fact that the conditions were not looking great, 2 meter viz on the morning dive, after the weather we had had for the past week didn’t really phase us. Our first surprise was when we run over the site we find the target first go, our second surprise was on descent when we realized the viz was about 8 metres. Everyone on the dive commented on just how good the dive was, we had managed to turn a nothing into a something, the Burke is a small site however there is plenty to see and plenty of nooks to look into, although none of them seemed to lead anywhere.