J4 Sub & Portsea Hole - Sunday 19th January

J4 Sub & Portsea Hole – Sunday 19th January

Divers: Liz, Phill, Serena, Evie, Tania, Ian, Em, Jan,Trevor & Mark

Once again we are getting great dive conditions with flat clear turquoise water and 30 metre viz. Although we did get some strong current on the sub, I’m sure no one will be complaining after this dive, we get the usual tour in, starting at the rear of the sub & then swimming up around the conning tower, bow & torpedo tubes, checking out the hatches as we go. Portsea Hole doesn’t have quite as good viz as we are diving it on the end of the ebb, however it is still a good dive with plenty of fish to see and our multi level profile gives us extra time in the water.
