Divers: Ed, Bec, Dimitris & Mark
In near perfect dive conditions we enjoyed a cheeky little mid week dive, the viz was down on what we were expecting given the last few weeks’ conditions, but it was still a couple of metres, which is all we need to enjoy a dive under the pier. The first thing I notice is the lack of Northern Pacific Sea Stars & an abundance of the indigenous 11 Armed Sea Stars – great news!!
Bec & Dimitris clean out a lot rubbish from under the pier, including a kid’s scooter, which hadn’t been there long & Bec makes the most of her find by riding the scooter around the carpark after the dive. Ed & I spend our time running through a couple of Valve Drills & working on our buoyancy, honing our dive skills, leaving plenty of time to swim to the end of the pier & back again.