Popes Eye & Portsea Hole – Saturday 8th September 2012

Popes Eye & Portsea Hole – Saturday 8th September 2012

Divers:  Josh, Jarred, Jordon, Zach, Matthew, Jackey, David, David, Rob, PP & Mark

The swell was still up outside the Heads, but we managed to find a couple of nice quiet dive sites to get our dives finished. Our fist dive was at Popes Eye, the tide was ebbing and there was a moderate westerly blowing, and although we were restricted to a small area out the front of the Eye, there was plenty to see and do. My group found ourselves surrounded with a large variety of fish from Blue Throated Wrasse to huge Leather Jackets, but we could not top Pete’s group with the 2 metre long Wobbegong shark!! The Wobbegong is in the family Orectolobidae. The word Wobbegong comes from the Aboriginal language meaning shaggy beard.
As soon as the tide had stopped we were off the back of the boat & in the water at Portsea Hole, our plan was to dropped over the edge and down to our maximum depth of 18 metres and then spend the rest of the dive drifting along the wall as far we could get before we ran out of bottom time. Once again we have plenty to look at & I notice a nice size abalone amongst the rocks – it’s nice to think that perhaps we might get some abalone growing in the bay once again. This site never fails to impress the first time divers and today is no exception; my guys get out of the water grinning from ear to ear and I sure they are now totally sold on diving!!
