Divers: Elisa, Alex, Amy, Henrik, Ross, Peter & Andrew
With 20 knot southwesterly winds predicted we were fairly confident we wouldn’t get out through the Heads today.
Regardless, our first dive was always going to Portsea Hole. Just after slack water and with 10 meters of vis we descended down the shot line and then over the ledge into 28 meters of water where we performed our skills before exploring the dive site. All too quickly we reached our planned bottom time and started our ascent in two groups.
Whist we were very comfortable on the boat during our surface interval we could feel the wind picking up pace. Unfortunately we had to give up on our much anticipated J4 Sub dive. But Melbourne divers are nothing if not flexible. Instead of dwelling in disappointment used the wind and current as an opportunity to lean to drift dive. We entered the water one behind the other holding on to the drift line, descended as a group to 19 meters and started “flying” through the water. Whilst there wasn’t a lot to see on the bottom, the drift itself was great fun and we were able to focus on our buoyancy control.
On the boat ride back to Sorrento we were talking about planning a wreck dive together in the near future.