Divers: Lachlan, Ashleigh, Kirsten, Peng, Leon, Mark, Maureen, Pete & Mark
As soon as I stepped off the boat I knew we had missed Slack Water, the tide had turned to a Flood, however we were here now & had to make the most of it. Our descent was slow and deliberate, dealing with ears that wont clear we make our way down the line. At 15 metres we can see that the line has been pulled off the wall & the shot is drifting in blue water, so the decision is made to take a compass bearing & swim in blue water until we find the wall or run out of bottom time, which ever comes first :). After only a couple of minutes of swimming a dark haze appears in the distance, some how we’ve actually done it – we found the wall, no one is more surprised then me. Vinnie’s team, who descended after us, is already here – some one knows how to navigate in their team! Swimming in the current has taken its toll on our gas consumption and we need to ascend not having reach our planned bottom time. Once we have picked up by the boat we are all feeling quite good about ourselves having been able to make something out what could have easily been nothing and we feel we have built valuably on our experience.