Divers: Julie, Dan, Damian, Paul, Mick, Vikki, Keith, Louise & Mark
We had a request for Flinders Pier this week, unfortunately the weather was not suitable for Flinders so Dan chose Rye Pier. What a good choice it turned out to be, the water was like glass & 20 metre viz. The water temperature is about 14 degrees at the moment. We swam out to have a look at Elsa’s Reef, this is the first time I’ve seen it and I think it’s fantastic what they are doing with it. It won’t be long before everything is overgrown with weed & the fish life will abundant. Even though the sun was out there was not one fisherman on the pier which is unusual to say the least, but the divers were out in force. There were several teams getting in just as we were getting out and even more in the carpark as we got changed. After the dive it was over to the Rye pub for a debrief and lunch, after a few minutes in front of the open fire to warm ourselves up, the menus were studied and food ordered.