Rye Pier – Saturday 1st December 2012

Visibility: 10m +                       Water Temperature: 20°

Divers: Geoff, Ian, Catherine, Derek, Vinnie, Brian, Mark, Vikki
Surface Crew: Barb

What a great dive! Visibility was great and there was so much to see. Pylons were covered in an assortment of Bryozoans and Demospongiae (sponges) with varieties of sea biscuits  and sea stars. There were also plenty of Blennies and Crabs making themselves available for the keen photographers. Some of us were lucky to see the Seahorses that this site is well known for, as well as the large resident Stingray. As we swam back into the shore we were lucky enough to pick up a couple of fresh scallops…..yum!!
