Divers: Tim, Ben, Youri, Spike, Warren, Mal & Mark
It had been a while since we were able to get out do a Graveyard dive, however the conditions had looked good all week and we weren’t disappointed on Saturday morning standing on Portsea Pier with just a breath of wind. With the early start (6.30am!!) we didn’t have a lot of natural light on the bottom at 55 metres, but some time this can add to the enjoyment of the dive. Using our lights meant that you focus a lot closer on the things that are in your torch beam, the end result is that you actually see more when its darker, you see more of the macro items that are some times overlooked with great visibility. The Auriga was a 540 ton Iron Barque (later cut down to a Barquentine), 3 masts, built in 1869. In her later years her main purpose was as a coal hulk. This is a great dive with lots to see and plenty of structure still remaining. With seals on the bottom and dolphins on our deco not only was the dive enjoyable but the ascent was as well!!