Visibility: 10m Water Temperature: 20°
Divers: Paul, Barb, Phill, Liz, Serena, Jan, Trevor, Em, Santiago, David, Bill, Spike, Geoff, Ian, Jen, Mark &Vikki
Surface Crew: Jan’s mum and dad (Thanks for minding our keys xx)
The water was a balmy 20 and the water was as flat as a cat. The tide was out and the water was clear. So much to see under this jetty……the largest Ornate Cowfish that any of us have ever seen, gorgeous Blennys playing hide-and-seek on the pylons, schools of Goatfish and a variety of Nudibranchs. Barb and I saw an Eastern Fiddler Ray and Trevor, Jan, Em and Santiago saw a Common Stargazer (Gee, I wish that I had seen that!!). This dive is always full of surprises and never disappoints.
Photos by Vikki