Divers: Mick, Mark, Vinnie, Geoff, Des & Mark
Shore crew: Vikki
The weather during the week was against us once again, however we were lucky that the conditions at Blairgowrie were as good as they were. The wind had blown from the North on Thursday and swung around to strong South/westerly on Friday which had wiped out quite a few locations. The rain was only light but just enough to be annoying as we changed into our drysuits. The water temperature is still on its way up albeit slowly and the viz was surprisingly good, 8-10 metres. There were several teams of divers just getting in the water as we arrive and by the time we kit up and enter they are all getting out & get the site to ourselves, well just about. As always there is plenty to see at Blairgowrie and although we don’t get all that far along the end of the pier when it’s time to turn around, but we sure did enjoy the dive and reluctantly have to get out at the end. The conditions for this coming weekend are looking fantastic so if you are waiting for the right time to get back into it, this weekend is the time.