Divers: Debbie, Tony, Jorge, Ian, Geoff, Pete & Mark
We thought we would try our luck one more time to get the great viz that we have had so often lately, and yes it paid off! Doing a 5 metre check I could not only see the divers on the wreck but I could identify who was who. The visibility over the past month has just been amazing and just seems to continue, normally we tell our students if you learn to dive in the harsh conditions of Melbourne you can dive any where in the world, but lately the diving conditions in Melbourne have not been too harsh at all. There are a few of the other divers with their heads under every plate they can find looking for crayfish but nobody has any luck. We end our dive just as per our plan and start our ascent up the shot, finning into a slight current we are able to complete our stops with out any effort at all and staying together as a group is easy in these conditions.
Give us a break with the pretty fishy shot Ryan. Where is the rust ?