Divers: Ben, George, Geoff, Elly, Evie & Mark
Although we have had some fine weather lately, there was a bit of swell as we motored out to the site and it doesn’t take much swell to have a impact on this wreck. So we made the decision early not to penetrate the wreck, which out to be a good choice I might add. Staying mainly around the super structure of the ship we had the chance to look inside the Bridge, even this was very surgey and required us to tightly hold on as we peered into the bridge. Surge, some times can be hazardous, however it can also be used to your advantage as well, learning to dive in swell is very much apart of Melbourne diving & I think diving in these conditions is not only good experience for our newer divers but can also be a bit fun when done correctly. Our boat was tied into the permanent mooring and we used the mooring line to ascend minimising our surface swim at the end of the dive.