Divers: Seb, James, Nathan, Ben,Youri, Tran, Bert, Tim, Lisa, Peter P, Paul & Mark
Who would have thought, that with the winds & rain on Thursday & Friday of last week, that we would be diving in near perfect conditions on Sunday. 20 degrees, not a cloud in the sky & not a breath of wind. Apart form the viz, which was about 4-6 metres, the water was fantastic :). Of course when diving at Flinders, the goal is always to find Weedy Sea Dragon, so that is what we did. The were plenty of them about & all of the males were carrying eggs which is a really good sign. Seb shoot some great footage of a Sea Dragon playing with the lens of his GoPro!! The large Smooth Back Ray was about & it seems like he was up for a swim with whoever, as he glided gracefully among the divers, unperturbed by our presence.