J5 Sub – Saturday 19th January 2013

Divers:  Michael, Vinnie, Simon, Sherryn, Mick, Leo, Mike & Mark

The sub came into view as we descended down the shot line, the long cigar shape object at the end of the shot line was our target. Most of us had not dived the J5 before, so it was quite an experience for all concerned. Our bottom time as limited, but we certainly made the most of it as we swam from the conning tower towards the bow. Divers were starting to exit the sub from the large hole that was once the torpedo loading hatch, but now the frame work has dropped out & the pressure hull is decaying at quite a rapid rate. It was smiles all round once we were back on the boat, but with the bottom time so short it was defiantly a case of quality rather than quantity – but when the dives are this good no one complains!
