Divers: Seb, Chris K, Tim, Foti & Mark
Once again & all too often lately, our boat dives are cancelled due to whether, so it’s under Mornington Pier for some skills practice & to check out some new ideas with equipment. After the torrential rain yesterday, no one thought the viz would be anything special, however, we were pleasantly surprised to arrive here this morning & to be greeted with 4-6 mete viz & very flat water. The strong south/westerlies were chopping up the outside of the jetty, but inside was great. Lots of Eleven Armed Sea Stars, more than I’ve ever seen here before, the fish life was a little bit sparse however the were some Blue Ringed Octopus reported & plenty of underwater flora about. The water temperature was 14 degrees, so even at the end of our 64 minute dive we were still quite comfortable & could easily have done another 64 minutes, except our dive briefing was to do 60 minutes & then go for breakfast, so that’s exactly what we did 🙂