Portsea Hole – Sunday 24th November 2013

Divers:  Ben, Cat, Daniel & Mark

Wow!! What a way to start the day!! Condition were great as we sat on the boat waiting for slack water, we decided to wait until last to get into the water which meant we could take our time and not be rushed. The current had all but stopped when we got to the bottom and the viz was about 20 metres, we were at the eastern end of the wall and had time to swim all the way to the western end covering the entire wall. The amount of fish life was just amazing, I’ve never seen it like this before – Blue Devils, schools of Leather Jackets and Old Wives we had the lot. Fortunately I had brought my Sport HD camera along, unfortunately the SD card was still sitting on the kitchen table from when I down loaded yesterdays dive, fortunately Daniel had his camera, unfortunately for Daniel I’m not that great with cameras!! But I think I may have got one or two photos for him.
