Sponge Garden Drift – Saturday 23rd November 2013

Sponge Garden Drift – Saturday 23rd November 2013

Divers:  Julie, Bryan & Mark

Typically with drift dives the adventure is in not knowing what is over the next sand dune and this dive was just that. We entered the water close to Shortland’s Bluff on an Ebb tide, it started out in an area that didn’t show much promise as a dive site, however in only a few short minutes we are ‘flying’ over some fantastic terrain – we had ledges, bommies and some unbelievable reef. There is defiantly an art to not snagging the line when doing drift dives and we were lucky to have a group that managed it quite well, even with all obstacles we came across we managed to not get caught up.  Nobody wanted to end the dive and I’m sure if it wasn’t for the fact that a tank of air only lasts so long we would still be down there!!
