Rye Pier – Saturday 25th February 2017

Divers: Victor, Elisabeth, Damien, Mark, Josh, Stuart & Lucas

Suface Support: Vikki, Victoria & Gary

9.00 a.m. at Rye Pier, the sky was overcast and there was a chilly southerly breeze blowing. All divers were keen to get in the water to see what Rye Pier had to offer.
Rye Pier never disappoints, we had 8 metre viz and there was plenty to see. The pylons covered with colourful sponges and the chance of seeing Seahorse’s, Cowfish, Juvenile Leatherjacket, Octopus and of course the resident big black Stingrays that patrol the area. Elsa’s Reef, 30 metres out from the pier is also worth the trip. All divers said they saw plenty and enjoyed the dive, and with the sun shining by the time we exited the water, it was a great start to the day.


Photos courtesy of Victor and Elisabeth