Divers: Alex, Romaan, Antoni, Julian, David, Elie & Peter
Open water course dives, the first dive of the day was at 7:45am so all the boys had to get up at a very early hour so that they could arrive at Dive Vic at 6:45 but not as early as Elie as he had to come from Brunswick (Pack a 3 day lunch stuff), anyway everybody arrived on schedule. The day was a little overcast but the sea conditions at Portsea were relatively calm, we board the boat and proceeded to the Grotto, where the sea conditions were the completely the opposite, so the decision was made to come back to Portsea hole and the conditions were excellent for the 3rd Open Water Dive. Everybody completed the necessary skills with flying colours and enjoyed the diving; the visibility was about 5 to 8 Metres.
Well done everybody.