Divers: Nathan, James, Chris, Simon, Yori, Ben & Mark
Everyone on the pier this morning were excited about finally getting out to do a graveyard dive, it has been quite a few weeks since we have done deeper dive and conditions could not have been better, a light fog hung over Olivers Hill as we drove down to Portsea as the sun was slowly rising, the water at the pier was amazingly flat and even more amazingly very clear. JT our skipper for today went to get lengths to make sure the shot line was placed beautifully on the wreck, unfortunately the second team down dragged the shot line off the wreck meaning any teams following them weren’t able to find the wreck. My team were lucky enough to stumble across the wreck at the 12 minute mark of our dive. Although the viz wasn’t too bad, the lack of natural light made it very dark & torches were a must.
The all important decision of where to have lunch was agreed it was time to try ‘Rusty’s’ again, good call.