Auriga – Saturday 24th October 2015

Divers: Ben, Youri, Matt, Chris, Tim & Mark

The Auriga is not dived very often, this was evident by the amount of crayfish about, but it is a wonderful dive & even for a sailing ship there is plenty to see on this dive. Following the keelson we are able to swim the entire 160 foot length of the ship, the main areas of our interest are the bow & stern, as they are the most prominent features. Mast’s lay off to the side and several fixtures are imaginable amongst the vast sheets laying about. The rivets have since rusted away leaving the double rows of holes in the sheets which is all so common on iron shipwrecks. After 25 minutes at 55 metres means we have a bit of deco to do, the water is 14 degrees and the viz is 20 metres which makes our 50 minutes of ascent very comfortable, with seals and swimmer crabs swimming amongst the divers all adding up to the time passing very quickly.
