Divers: John, Conor, Joe, James, Aoife, Josh, Miriam, Anthony, Mal, Jason & Mark
Perfect dive conditions once again on Sunday as we head out through the Heads. We dived the Coogee first, the viz was about 8-10 metres with a slight current. We dived on the mid ships, then swimming towards the bow we swim over the hatch coming and then past the base of the crane. We swam around the hand rails on the bow, by this point our dive time it’s time to ascend. Our second dive was the J4 Sub, with the slightly shallower depth, our gas lasts slightly longer and therefore we get more bottom time before reaching our minimum gas. Again we only dive the bow of the sub, which is fine as this is the more interesting part. Rye pub is the venue of choice for lunch as we plan our next adventure out diving.