Divers: Scott, Josh, Nic, Mark T, Daniel & Mark
Today Scott, Nic & Josh completed the long awaited first two dives of their Deep course. The weather was typical of a Melbourne Spring day, the sun is shinning not a cloud in the sky, although it’s a little cool in the wind. Jonathan, our boat skipper had the shot lone in the perfect position, right on the bow!! this allowed us to see the entire wreck, swimming stem to stern, with out having to double back over what we had already seen. This was the first course dive and as always when you put three people together that have not dived as a team before they find it difficult to stay ‘tight’ as a group, however, after swimming to the stern and covering all of the features the Coogee has to offer – hatch coaming, deck crane, boilers, rudder, steering quadrant etc. then it is time to ascend. There is about a one metre swell which means making sure we focus as we climb the ladder, but its not too difficult and the dive made the effort of getting back into the boat well worth it.