Corinella Mooring’s – Sunday 26th August 2012

Corinella Mooring’s – Sunday 26th August 2012

Divers:  Danny & Mick
Support Crew: Brenden, Chris G., Ben, Justin, Fred & Mark

Once again the weather blew us out of our dives for the weekend. However, with a little bit of an effort there is always something that can be done. For those of us that were to dive the Alert last Sunday the departure place & time did not change – just the dive site did. The bouy had been stolen from Justin’s swing mooring and the Mooring Contractor wanted to pay divers to relocate the chain. We had a boat load of divers & nowhere to go, so we decided to find the lost mooring chain. With zero visibility and very short slack water period the job at hand was not an easy task.  Using our best guess estimate we put in a shot line, 2 divers using the line as a centre point did an expanding circle sweep until they were out of bottom time. Unfortunately, they did not find the missing chain, with the tide now quite strong, despite Brenden’s protest about being allowed to dive because he would surely find it, we decided to leave the next dive for another day & another slack water.
The adventure continues.
