Divers: Push, Youri, Daz, Scott, Andy, Chris & Mark
We had our dive teams sorted, spare gas arranged and dive plans agreed upon well prior to heading out for the dive, so we were as prepared as we could be for this dive. Chris, Youri, Push & myself decided we would enter near the bow, thus allowing us to swim the full length of the sub and then still exit through the crew quarters at the stern. It was a little bit crowded at the stern with the other boys entering just as we were trying to get through the last bulkhead. This is one of the best dives we’ve done on the subs for quite some time and if this did not get the guys hooked on wreck diving I don’t know what will.
All of the WW1, J Class Submarines had distinguished careers but none more so than the J1, which had the honour of hitting two battleships with the 1 salvo. Both the Grosser Kurfurst and Kronprinz suffered damaged that had them in dock and out of action for several months.