Divers: Andrew, Nick, Spike, Leo, Louis, Ian, Pete, Giullian, Vinnie, Sam, Nick, Ross, Glen, Dimi, Catherine & Mark
It was with great expectation that our intrepid divers prepared for the J4 Sub dive. We had been deprived of the adventure of doing this dive the week prior when strong winds whipped up the seas and prevented us from getting out through the heads. However, even in lowish viz, this was always going to be an exciting dive. My team start with the engine room hatch, moving forward we inspect the conning tower, observing the main hatch and then the periscope sleeve, the torpedo tubes are always a hit, both outside & in. The Bow Ring, which is how we identified the each sub after the fourth deep sub had been found, is still in tact. With the end our dive in sight we swim back towards the shot line in preparation for our ascent – and guess what – debriefing is done over lunch.