Divers: Sian, Scott & Bert
There were a lot of divers at Flinders on Sunday from new divers to tech and rebreather divers practicing their skills. 3 Aquability divers keen to get wet were rewarded with great weather and good viz (8 metres) at Flinders Pier. We all had different aims for our dive from getting back in the water after a break, a first dive in Australia, trying a dry suit that had been in storage for 12 months to trying a wing, harness and twin tank set up for the first time. It was a slack water dive and after buddy checks, we entered with a giant stride from the left lower landing, we descended to be greeted by a pair of Weedy Sea Dragons, this was going to be a great dive. After checking our gear on the bottom and doing buoyancy checks we swam out along the pier. There were lots of Weedy Sea Dragons, Goat Fish, a school of Maori Wrasse, Globe Fish and lots of colourful sponges on the pylons. All divers achieved their aims and are keen for more spring diving in Melbourne.