Nepean Bay – Saturday 27th October 2012

Visibility: 10m                       Water Temperature: 14 Degrees

Divers: Robert, Ian, Derek, Vinnie, David, Dan, Geoff, Matt, Mark, Vikki

With the weather conditions the way they were, we decided to abandon our plan to dive Dragon’s Lair, and instead headed to the more protected site of Nepean Bay. From the surface we could see the sea bed. With the promise of there being a wreck to dive on we eagerly disembarked from the boat and descended in search of the unknown. Not only were there numerous reports of finding the remains of the wreck, there was also a reported siting of 20 (or 30) Port Jacksons under a ledge (depends who you speak to!!!!)
It was great to see so many divers getting ready for their summer season of diving…..


P.S We’re getting together again on the 10th November for a shore dive if you’d like to join us!