Eliza Ramsden – Saturday 22nd October 2011

Visibility: 15m                 Water Temperature: 15 Degrees

Divers: Deon, David, Puspendu, Youri, Victoria, Mark, Ian, Mark, Mel, Dennis, Tom, Luke, Clyde, Barb, Vikki

No shipping scheduled gave us the opportunity to dive the Eliza Ramsden. We have been among the lucky few that have dived the Ramsden two times in a row when we have booked on to dive it!!
From the boat, waiting for slack water we could see that the vis was going to be good. Excitedly we stepped off the back of the boat and descended into the cool, clear water where we were greeted by a seal. A slight current was still running. Armed with our torches we started looking in every nook and cranny. Being an artificial reef, there was an amazing amount of marine life and growth on the ship. With so much to look at, we wished that we had more time to keep exploring. How quickly time passes when you’re having fun!!


Thanks to Deon for the photos